Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It’s been a while….sorry

Drew and I have been lost in thought and conversation with one another this last week. We have been confronted with lots of decisions so our minds and energy have been focused a lot on that. With that we could really use your prayers for guidance and good communication with not only each other but with the people we are volunteering for.

Any ways life in Israel continues with the adjustments of the culture/language and the heat….oh the heat. Its hard to see the Facebook posts of it raining and snowing places because we only dream of those here. The temperature has dropped a little bit but its never consistent, one night it’s cool and the other nights are so hot that you don’t want any blankets on you. I’m in the mood for big jackets and scarfs, for thick socks and warm drinks, and our down sleeping bags!!!! But the waiting continues…some day…maybe some day

Last Saturday we had a fun event!!! All the staff came together and Drew led us in our own team-building game with applying the experiential debrief.

 team building 2Got to love him

So here we are…. staff that teach this stuff, and WE even have a problem with communication and leadership……oops…team building 1

It was neat though seeing one another outside of a work context because we got a chance to see and speak who we really are and how we function. I would highly recommend it for any staff

. team buildingJumping game

Another fun thing that Drew led us in was the high ropes course, that is now functional!!!!.here’s some pictures to give you a visualteam building 10         team building 11

team building 4               team building 7

team building 9     team building 12

Love you all and hope this a little somin’ somin’ to keep you going


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy Birthday! Its still the 13th here...

  3. The first paragraph alludes to a lot. Just thought I'd let you know I'm praying that God gives you wisdom, guidance, and peace...
