So I spent a few magical weeks in the states. My time was filled with GREAT people and GREAT coffee. I got the chance to see my beautiful sister walk down the aisle to her own love. The church was full of flowers, candles and people who loved this couple so much, I felt blessed to be apart of it. It’s strange though, thinking about my little sister/best friend being married and starting a new chapter in life, makes me realize how fast time goes by and when I think about it while listening to a sad song I find myself crying. She was so beautiful though and it seemed like when she was walking down the aisle the closer she got to Max the more he brought out her womanliness. I was happy and willing to give her over to a good man. Otherwise……..
While I was home I found myself continually blessed by conversations and time spent with marvelous people. The first 4 days was spent getting Linnias wedding together and catching up with my family’s lives. I’m pretty sure that I didn’t sleep any of those days because there was so much to talk about and do, and I wanted to spend as much time with Linnia as possible before Miss became Mrs. The next couple of days after that my mom and I found it almost impossible to get out of bed so we slept, ate leftover soup and cake from the wedding, and watched fun movies with the cats all curled around us, nothing beats time spent with your mom. Then after feeling a little overwhelmed with home stuff I made my way to Santa Cruz for the day….man was that day needed. I met up with a good friend Holly
and we strolled around very familiar territory where I once use to take kids hiking while teaching them about Ecosystems!!!! It was quite pleasant just walking with her with the smell of Douglas Fir in the background and dew dripping from the leaves of the Bay trees, such a sweet time taking in as much wisdom as I could from such an amazingly wise woman. Then off I went to the best place ever……PLANET FRESH!!!!! man that place never fails me when it comes to a good vegetarian burrito, not only that but I was greeted with faces that made my heart dance with joy…Erica and Sarah!!! It was so good to laugh and be with people I was completely comfortable with. These girls just draw honesty, and the ability to be myself, out, I miss them…..After chowing down that burrito we walked around town encountering familiar places and listening to the sweet sound of people embracing us with their music…I miss Santa Cruz and our little home in the Redwoods. Then I hung out with a good friend Austin
just catching up on life and talking about his visit to Israel in a month, where he will be greeted with a 30 minute nuzzle from the man that misses him dearly…Spent some time with astonishing woman Jen
who just understands me, another one of those girls with whom I can be 100% myself, love her. Then dinner with the OSS staff, time with the Clarks and back home. Short trip but so worth it….except the drive home, just ask my mom or husband….
Life the next couple of days went by way too fast, wish I had more time at home with my mom, dad, brothers and sisters, wish I had more time with Erica and wish I was able to go to Utah to see my other family whom I miss.
But I feel blessed to have been back for a little while…to get to my point. Thank you to all of you for your prayers and support, without that I may have missed some important and quality things in the States. Thank you to some guy named Mike in Grand rapids, Callan, OSS and Brady for contributing to the funds to fly me back, you truly are appreciated and will be blessed for your faithfulness. Thank you for all of your encouragement and wisdom in just trusting the Lord, thank you to my husband who walked with me through this whole emotional rollercoaster thinking I wasn’t going to get to come back, and who really instilled faith in me that the Lord will provide and we will be taken care of, love him so much.
I am now back in the Land of Holy in the arms of my love and so joyful to be around him again. It’s hard being back but I have such a different perspective of this place all thanks to the Lovely Cavaliere’s and my Mom, I love you and am so grateful for your wisdom, guidance and prayers.
Alright God, lets see what you have in store for us now……
Happy Birthday!!